星期一, 3月 14, 2005


以下是我的application letter:

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am very interested in the above position you advertised on the XXX on XXX 2005. A copy of my resume is attached for your consideration.

As you can see from my resume, I have gained experience in selling, accounting and clerical work. Though doing such work, I have developed good interpersonal skills and a mature personality. This exposure, coupled with my strong work ethic, should make me the ideal candidate who can contribute to your company.

I obtained grade A in Economics in the Advanced Level Examination and grade B in the Certificate of Education Examination. Besides, I have furthered my studies in accounting by obtaining an LCC Higher qualification. I am willing to learn and like to work with people as I am always involved in voluntary services in my church.

It would be grateful if you could grant me an interview so that I can discuss with you my qualifications in relation to your needs. I can be reached at XXXX 7224.

Yours faithfully,

FAN, Tsz Fung


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在這裡真的要對輝哥道個謝!每次寫這些麻煩的application letter及resume,輝哥總是幫上不少忙的。不是他幫我寫,只是修改一下,所以寫得差只是我個人問題。基本上整篇resume讀來淡而無味,十分零碎,毫無說服力。但我沒有心情再改了。



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